Knowledge is a valid and reliable description of reality. On the other hand, wisdom is the productive application of knowledge. Lao Zi’s Dao De Jing means A Classic about the Physics of Psychology. He proposed that knowledge should be based on the simple principle of balance. In contrast, Aristotle developed logic, which is described in the Organon meaning The Instrument. Logic requires factual details in order to create new knowledge. Unfortunately, educational thinking propagates static thinking in our hyperdynamic reality. Science is forced to deal with an infinite number of details that fragments science. Technology applies knowledge without adequate wisdom. Those failures fuel the triangle of doom. Education fosters science, science fosters technology, and technology creates manmade extinction problems such as nuclear war and climate change. Those problems show that humanity suffers from systemic cognitive failure. That failure is maintained by institutionalization, groupthink, and cognitive dissonance. Our problems cannot be solved with just more of the same education, science, and technology. Humanity needs a new paradigm of thinking that creates the next generation of thinkers. Therefore, Nemonik Thinking synthesizes Lao Zi’s and Aristotle’s ideas about thinking, knowledge, and wisdom.